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  • Power Pole Ownership

    High voltage

    We own and maintain all 33kV, 22kV and 11kV poles and wires including assets at those voltages on private land.

    Low voltage

    The ownership of all low voltage poles and wires is as per the provisions of the Electricity Amendment Act 2001 Section 7, subsection (3) “Point of Supply” and as shown in the picture. The qualification is that no customer or landowner will be responsible for any wire or pole not on or over land owned by them.

    All low voltage wires, poles and fittings that form part of a customer’s service mains, and/or supply multiple buildings on privately owned land, are owned by that land owner and therefore the landowner’s responsibility.

    In examples 2 and 6 the first pole in private land is owned and maintained by us as it is supporting a road crossing span. Conversely the first pole in private land in example 1 is owned by the landowner as it is not supporting a road crossing span.

    Similar diagrams for underground cables are being prepared and will be published when complete. In the meantime, if you have any questions about underground cable, please call us on 0800 66 11 77.

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